You have selected the Independent Artists or Artisans (Monthly) membership level.
By selecting this option you are declaring that you are operating as either an independent artist or artisan or a small teams of artists or artisans, and that you are selling items that you make yourself.
The price for membership is €20.00 now and then €10.00 per Month.
Do you want to help smaller artists and artisans? Your donation will go towards providing free and discounted services and support to startups and other independent artists and artisans.
Please provide the complete mailing address for your business
Who is the primary point of contact for your business?
Describe the types of products that you sell (or plan to sell) in Europe. Do you make them yourself or do you buy them? What are they made out of?
Please provide an estimate of your total annual revenue (worldwide)
This is the legal name of you or your business. Please also list the city, state, and or country where you're registered.
In short, we're not lawyers, so we are not allowed to give you any legal advice.
You are responsible for uploading the necessary documentation in English. You will be responsible for any fines resulting from missing or incomplete documentation.
We will be your point of contact within the E.U. and we will also carry out the necessary reporting and notification responsibilities that the GPSR requires.
We are taking on very real legal responsibility for your products within the E.U. This is a long-term legal liability for us, so this helps to protect us from potential abuse.
As long as you aren't behind, you can cancel at any time and we'll continue to provide our services for the rest of the month that you'd already paid for.
You are financially liable for your products. While we will help facilitate the payment of any fines, fees, or expenses, you will be responsible for paying the full amount, including bank fees.
We have revised our process and can now accept this form as an electronic signature.
Who will be signing this agreement?
What is the title of the person signing this agreement?
Please enter your signature between slashes, e.g. /Frodo Baggins/
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